Saturday, September 6, 2008

Assisi, Italy

My final stop on my first trip through Italy was Assisi. Assisi is the birthplace of St. Francis (San Francesco) and there are many statues, sculptures and churches erected in his honor throughout town.
Assisi is mostly built on a large hillside. Wear comfortable shoes for your visit because much of the walking is uphill. With that said, the views are to die for. I found myself entranced. Simply staring down an alleyway, that in most cities would be unsightly, held incredible views in Assisi.
At the bottom of the hillside is the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli. This church is where St. Francis of Assisi started the Franciscan movement. Encased within the larger basilica is a small chapel, The Porziuncola (Italian for "Little portion"). St. Francis was given The Poriziuncola from Benedictine monks in the 9th century. The Basilica was then built around this small church in honor of St. Francis.
Assisi can be explored in about 2-3 days and is definitely worth visiting if you are in the Umbria region. Assisi is known for their toy makers and embroidery. There are many shops that sell religious goods including rosaries, statues and wall-hangings.
Assisi is an incredibly photogenic place, so this post will be full of pictures. Do not leave home without your camera when visiting Assisi!

Ciao for now!

(Photographs taken by Brhea Lyke)

Pictured from top to bottom:

An alleyway in Assisi

Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli

The Virgin Mary statue located at the top point of the Basilica of Santa Maria
A sunset in Assisi

A toy of St. Francis at a shop in Assisi

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